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Foto do escritorMarcio Ferreira


Atualizado: 29 de mai. de 2020


Another research of relevance of a Fire Masters concluded for Brazil, another great weapon of information and education for development in the so backward area of ​​fires and for our society, with the theme of "urban planning" that so much we are missing, my congratulations big Flavio, you are one of the prepared professionals that Brazil needs so much for yesterday.

# Fire protection engineering, engineering that directly saves lives and assets.

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Criteria for implantation in Brazil


This article aims to address the issue of fire prevention and fighting in urban areas in Brazil, focusing on the implementation of urban hydrants systems, in view of the growth of fire events that have spread to large and small cities in this great country. The Brazilian municipalities have their urban growth carried out, in most cases, in a disorderly manner, that is, without a minimum of planning, which, in cases of fire, has made clear the lack of education of the population on its prevention, the lack of combat devices, whether urban or necessary devices inside buildings. A subject that has, in a way, evolved over the years, with the deployment of platoons of municipal fire brigades, the issuance of decrees, laws and technical instructions that aim to guide, through procedures in the implementation of firefighting measures existing buildings, and generate guidelines for new buildings and urban spaces. The methodology used for the composition of this article will be through a bibliographic review, approaching the history of fire prevention and fighting in Brazil, its correlation with urban growth and the prevention measures adopted by the federal, state and municipal governments, as well as by private initiatives. A relevant topic, and one that has been sadly underestimated by politicians, public entities, traders, and which is not so important for the vast majority of the population, which has caused the loss of lives and assets, including historical ones. Therefore, we want to address here the main historical and current points, for the consolidation of an article that can be made public, and that generates more awareness in the prevention and fighting of fires in general.

Keywords: Fire Hydrant, Fire, Prevention, Planning, Fire, Urban Planning.


ABNT. NBR 5667: Urban fire hydrants - Rio de Janeiro, 1980.

Only 14% of the 5,570 Brazilian cities have a Fire Department - 2013 -http: // de-bombeiros.html - accessed on 19/08/18.

Bahia. Technical instruction 16: Emergency plan against fire and panic - Bahia: CBMBA, 2018.

BAHIA. Fire safety standards: Normative instruction In-025 (Public hydrants network). Salvador: CBMBA, 2014.

Brentano, Telmo. Fire protection in building design. 3rd edition - Porto Alegre, 2015.

Commission suggests National Code for Fire Safety - 2013 on 08/19/18.

Gouveia, Antonio Maria Claret. Fire risk analysis in historic sites - Federal District: IPHAN / Monumenta, 2006.

Ferreira, Marcio. How to Approve a Fire plan - São Paulo 2017

Minas Gerais. IT-29: Public fire hydrant - Minas Gerais: CBMMG, 2014.

Ministry of Cities. Participatory master plan: Guide for preparation by municipalities and citizens - Distrito Federal, 2004.

The fires that killed the most in the world - 2017 - - accessed on 19/08/18.

City Hall of Passos. Complementary law nº 24: Rules for land parceling - Passos, 2006.

Santa Catarina. Normative Instruction 25: Public Hydrants Network - Santa Catarina: CBMSC, 2014.

Sao Paulo. Technical instruction 05: Fire safety - Urbanistic - São Paulo: CBMSP, 2004.

Sao Paulo. Technical instruction 34: Urban hydrant - São Paulo: CBMSP, 2004.

Seito, Alexandre Itiu et al. Fire safety in Brazil - São Paulo: Project editor, 2008.

Silva, Valdir Pignatta. Fire prevention in architecture design - Rio de Janeiro: IABr / CBCA, 2010.

Link of the website - Fiel in Portuguese:

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