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I, Rafael Arlley Bomfim Carvalho, certify and thank for the guidance and dedication by master Marcio Ferreira, who was my supervisor in the Course Conclusion Work (TCC) referring to Post-graduation Lato Sensu Degree in Fire protection Engineering at Candido Mendes University, contributing in providing content not found in Brazilian literature, with this aim, the improvement of the theme exposed in the ambit academic
Rafael Artley Bomfim Carvalho
Eng. Of Work
CREA: 94.768 / 0
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Rafael Arlley Bomfim Carvalho
Occupational Safety Eng. CREA 94.768/D
The goal of this paper is to present aspects that may influence the human behavior of the occupants involved on fire. Having as main objective to promote research pertinent to the area under study, mainly in the Brazilian academic environment. For this, books, scientific articles, magazines and general guidelines were analyzed, from authors such as Abolins, Nomellini and Bianchini (2008), Antônio, Castro and Freire (2013), Araújo (2008), Bassi and others (2014) etc., trying to point out, briefly, elements that can contribute positively when evacuating the occupants involved in a given emergency situation. In this way, it is understood the relevance directed to the elaboration of the project against fire and panic, correctly sized by a qualified professional, complemented by the periodic monitoring and training of the occupants.
Keywords: Aspects. Human behavior. Researches. Occupants.
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